Herb Spirals in Permaculture

A Guide to Maximizing Space and Growing Herbs Efficiently

What is a Herb Spiral?

Herb spirals are a type of garden design that utilizes a spiraling path to maximize growing space. The spiral is constructed of stone, brick, or other materials and is filled with soil and compost. The spiral shape allows for a variety of growing conditions (also known as microclimates), including different levels of sunlight, moisture, and drainage, which can be used to cultivate a wide range of herbs and other plants.

Herb spirals work by taking advantage of the natural slope of the spiral to create different microclimates within the spiral. The top of the spiral is exposed to the most sun and is best for growing sun-loving herbs such as rosemary and thyme. The bottom of the spiral is shaded and retains moisture, making it an ideal place for moisture-loving herbs like mint and chamomile.

Why Herb Spirals?

Herb spirals are one of our favourite eco-garden designs for a reason! they offer a number of benefits to gardeners and permaculture enthusiasts, including:

Efficient use of space
Herb spirals maximize growing space by utilizing the natural slope of the spiral to create different microclimates within the spiral.
Reduced water usage
Herb spirals are designed to retain moisture and reduce the need for frequent watering. This helps to conserve water and reduces the workload for gardeners
Minimal maintenance
Herb spirals require  little maintenance once established. Gardeners simply need to add compost and other organic matter to the soil as needed to keep it nutrient-rich and well-draining.
Increased Biodiversity
Herb spirals provide a variety of microclimates which can support a wide range of herbs. This attracts a variety of pollinators and wildlife.​
What do you need to build a Herb Spiral?
Building an herb spiral is a great and simple project, even for gardening beginners and low budgets! All you need is...

Lots of rocks or bricks
Thick cardboard
Your selection of herbs!

Want to learn hands-on how to build a Herb Spiral?

As one of our favourite permaculture techniques, you'll learn all about designing, building, and planting an herb spiral in our Summer 2023 Permaculture Design Certificate course in Wakefield, Quebec. You'll also get to engage in a bunch of other hands-on eco-gardening and permaculture techniques in our PDC, such as lasagna gardens, rain gardens, and hot composts!

2023 Course Page 

Herb Spirals in Permaculture
P3 Permaculture Inc, P3 Team May 11, 2023
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