Food Forests & Pocket Forests

Food Forests & Pocket Forests

What exactly are Pocket Forests and how can they benefit us and the planet? Pocket Forests are a diverse planting of edible plants and their companions that attempt to replicate the ecosystems and patterns found in natural forests. Also known as Garden Forests, these systems can help reverse ecological degradation and act as effective carbon-capturing; food-providing; drought and flood preventing; habitat building; soil regenerating; ecosystem-supporting and aesthetically pleasing spaces!
Through careful observation, meticulous care and design, the natural cycle through which forests are created can be sped up sustainably and abundantly! This resources provide some essential information on how to mimic the cycle seen in forest structures in order to create regenerative climate-improving Pocket Food Forests.

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Responsable P3 Team
Dernière mise à jour 2023-11-20
Temps d'achèvement 1 heure 37 minutes
Membres 40
  • Documents de cours
    • Food Forest Guild Design EN
    • Food Forest Guide EN