PDC+ Online Permaculture Design Certificate

PDC+ Online Permaculture Design Certificate

In order to give you the most hands-on and practical Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) in Canada, your PDC starts with an online component for each of the chapters of the curriculum. To prepare everyone for a more in-depth learning experience and more hands-on workshops and activities at L’Alpakiade, we’re making sure that you arrive at the farm confident and with some technical and basic knowledge of permaculture.

Online chapters will be released on this platform on a weekly basis; you will be notified by email at every release, but take your time to go through them. This online resource will be available to you before, during and after your PDC course.

This online PDC introductory and preparatory course is designed to facilitate and ease you into the basic terminology and learning objectives of each chapter; so take notes, write down your questions, explore the recommended (and mandatory!) readings and resources whenever you get a chance, prior to the start of the course

Course Unavailable
Responsible P3 Team
Last Update 10/13/2023
Completion Time 1 day 13 hours 19 minutes
Members 7
Intermediate Online PDC Live On demand Recorded Live session
  • Chapter 1: Introduction & Ethics
    • Chapter 1: Introduction & Ethics Slides PDF
    • Chapitre 1: Introduction et éthiques (FR)
    • How it all Began
    • What is Permaculture?
    • Ethics of Permaculture: Earth Care
    • Ethics of Permaculture: People Care
    • Ethics of Permaculture: Fair Share
    • Why Permaculture?
    • Designer's Toolkit: Introduction to the Principles of Permaculture
    • Permaculture Principle 1: Observe and Interact
    • Principle 2: Catch & Store Energy
    • Principle 3: Obtain a Yield
    • Principle 4: Apply Self-Regulation
    • Principle 5: Use and Value Renewables
    • Principle 6: Produce No Waste
    • Principle 7: Work from Patterns to Details
    • Principle 8: Integrate Rather than Segregate
    • Principle 9: Slow & Small Solutions
    • Principle 10: Use & Value Diversity
    • Principle 11: Use Edges and Value the Marginal
    • Principle 12: Creatively Use & Respond to Change
  • CH 1 resources
    • Redefining family
    • Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design
    • The story of solutions
    • Schooling the World 2010 Watch the Full Documentary Online
    • Permaculture Principles in Application ‒ Geoff Lawton
    • The Story of Food is Free
    • Demain - Trailer (release: 06/01/16)
  • Chapter 2-3: Concepts, Methods, Site Analysis & Design Process
    • Chapter 2-3: Concepts, Methods, Site Analysis & Design Process Slides PDF
    • Chapitres 2 & 3: Processus de design, Concepts, Méthodes et Analyse de site
    • Intro to Chapter 2 and 3
    • Observation
    • Guide Chap 2-3: Active Observation Tool
    • Guide Ch2,3 - L'observation active (FR)
    • Linear vs Systems
    • Root Cause Analysis
    • Guide Chap 2-3: Root Cause Analysis
    • Guide Ch2,3: Analyse des causes principales (FR)
    • Basemap
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Guide Chap 2-3: SWOT Analysis Tool
    • Guide Ch2,3: Analyse SWOT (FR)
    • Sector Analysis
    • Guide Chapter 2,3: Sector Analysis Tool
    • Guide Ch2,3: Analyse sectorielle (FR)
    • Functional Analysis
    • Guide Chap 2-3: Functional Analysis
    • Guide Ch2,3: Analyse fonctionelle (FR)
    • Zone Planning
    • Guide Chap 2-3: Zone Analysis
    • Guide Ch2,3: Zones (FR)
    • Designer's Toolkit - W.A.S.M.M.M. and Scale of Permanence
    • Guide Chap 2-3: WASMMM Tool
    • Guide Chap 2-3: Outil de WASMMM (FR)
    • Site Analysis Intro
    • Site Analysis - Climate
    • Site Analysis - Landform
    • Site Analysis - Access and Circulation
    • Site Analysis - Water
    • Site Analysis - Vegetation and Wildlife
    • Site Analysis - Legal Issues
    • Site Analysis - Buildings and Infrastructure
    • Site Analysis - Zones of Use
    • Site Analysis - Soil Fertility and Management
    • Site Analysis - Aesthetics
    • Site Analysis: Conclusion
    • Design Process - Intro
    • Design Process: Observation
    • Design Process - Analysis
    • Design Process - Design
    • Design Process - Management
    • Ecological Gardening Techniques - Intro
    • Ecological Gardening Techniques - Companion Planting
    • Ecological Gardening Techniques - No Dig, No Till, Lasagna Gardening
    • Part 1/3 - Sheet Mulching and Soil Preparation: UMass Permaculture Documentary Series
    • Ecological Gardening Techniques - Mandala Garden
    • Ecological Gardening Techniques - Rain Barrel and Drip
    • Chapter 2-3: Mandatory External Resources
    • Chapter 2-3: Recommended External Resources
    • QUIZ: Chapter 2-3
      10 xp
  • Chapter 4: Observation & Patterns
    • Chapter 4: Observation & Patterns Slides
    • Chapitre 4: Motifs et Observations (FR)
    • Natural Pattern Observation
    • Relationship Between Observation and Patterns
    • Natural Patterns - Branch
    • Natural Patterns - Lobe
    • Natural Patterns - Spiral
    • Natural Patterns - Wave
    • Natural Patterns - Scatter
    • Natural Patterns: Network
    • Mandatory Resource: Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [1 of 3]
    • Mandatory Video: Biomimicry in action | Janine Benyus
    • Chapter 4: Recommended External Resources
    • QUIZ: Chapter 4
      10 xp
  • Chapter 5: Climates & Microclimates
    • Chapter 5: Climates & Microclimates Slides
    • Chapitre 5: climats et microclimats
    • Intro - Climates and Microclimates
    • Factors to Consider in Climate
    • Hardiness Zones and Frost-free Days
    • What Are Microclimates?
    • Why Are Microclimates Important?
    • Factors that Can Influence Microclimates
    • Design Goals in Affecting Microclimates
    • Mandatory Video (chap5): Reforestation project in Borneo
    • Mandatory Video (chap 5): Nebraska retiree uses earths's heat to grow oranges in snow
    • Mandatory Video (chap5) USDA Subtropical Research Tour: Historic Microclimate Fruit Walls
    • Mandatory Video (chap 5): Willie Smits: How to restore a rainforest
    • Mandatory Video (chap 5) Cradle to cradle design | William McDonough
    • Mandatory Video (chap 5): Can the Midwest Grow Citrus?
    • Mandatory Video (chap5): Earth, Two Degrees Warmer
    • Mandatory Video (chap 5): The Story of Cap & Trade
    • Mandatory Video (chap5): Project Drawdown presents Climate Solutions 101 | Trailer
    • Recommended Resources: Chap 5
    • Useful External Links
    • QUIZ: Chapter 5
      10 xp
    • Recomended Video: Arctic Sinkholes I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS
    • "We Completely Underestimate How Bad Things Are Going To Get"
    • Recommended: An expensive global climate experiment | DW Documentary
  • Chapter 6: Trees, Vegetation & their Ecosystem Surfaces
    • Chapter 6: Trees, Vegetation & their Ecosystem Surfaces Slides
    • Chapitre 6: Les arbres et leurs transferts d'énergie
    • Intro to Trees and Ecosystem Services
    • Functions and Features of a Forest Ecosystem
    • Food Forests
    • 7 Layers
    • Guild (7 Functions)
    • 7 Functions - Nitrogen Fixing Species
    • 7 Functions - Weed Suppression
    • 7 Functions - Pollinator Attractants
    • 7 Functions - Natural Pest Control
    • 7 Functions - Mulch Producers
    • 7 Functions - Fungal Companions
    • 7 Functions - Deep Rooted Plants
    • Mandatory Video (chap 6): Willie Smits, How to restore a rainforest
    • How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory
    • Recommended External Videos (chap 6)
    • QUIZ: Chapter 6
      10 xp
    • Recommended: Earth A New Wild 2of4 Forests
    • An Effective way of implementing TREES on the FARM!
  • Chapter 7: Water
    • Chapter 7: Water Slides
    • Chapitre 7: L'eau
    • Water Intro
    • The Importance and Function of Water
    • Water Pollution and Overuse - Part 1
    • Water Pollution and Overuse - Part 2
    • Water Pollution and Overuse - Part 3
    • Aquifers
    • Water Filtration
    • Water Cycle
    • Water Catchment
    • Water Storage
    • Water Filtration
    • Mandatory Video (chap 7) Pollution: Crash Course Ecology
    • Recommended External Videos Chap 7
    • Water Recycling with Reed Beds
    • QUIZ: Chapter 7
      10 xp
    • Recommended: You've Never Seen a Natural Pool Like This...
    • Recommended: Earth A New Wild 4of4 Water
  • Chapter 8: Soils
    • Chapter 8: Soils Slides
    • Chapitre 8: Les Sols (Diapos FR)
    • Introduction to Soil
    • Benefits of Living Soil Ecosystem
    • Soil Drainage
    • Soil Conditions - Intro to Soil Texture
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Biology Tests
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Testing
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Compaction
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Salinization
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Contamination
    • Soil Conditions - Soil Indicator Plants
    • Intro to Common Soil Problems
    • Common Soil Problems - Continuous Weeding
    • Common Soil Problems - Continuous Watering
    • Common Soil Problems - Continuous Fertilizer Application
    • Common Soil Problems - Heavy Clay
    • Common Soil Problems Sandy Soil
    • Benefits of Cover Crops
    • Benefits of Cover Crops Continued
    • Lasagna Garden Beds
    • Understanding Mulch
    • Benefits of Mulch
    • Impediments to Using Mulch
    • Mulch and Mushrooms
    • Hot Compost
    • No Turn Compost
    • Compost Teas
    • Compost Extracts
    • Mandatory Video (chap 8): Undercover Farmer
    • Mandatory Video (chap8): Everything You Know About Composting is Wrong: Mike McGrath at TEDxPhoenixville
    • Mandatory Video (chap 8): Compost Making, balancing green & brown or nitrogen & carbon
    • Recommended Resources: Chapter 8
    • How to Build Great Soil - A Soil Science Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 1 of 4)
    • WHICH COMPOSTER IS THE BEST? - 6 Johnson-Su Inspired Bioreactors
    • What is Holistic Management? (recomended)
    • QUIZ: Chap 8
      10 xp
    • Soil Tests
    • Soil Tests - Tests pour l'analyse du sol - FR
    • Recommended: How to Grow Amazing Plants with Compost Tea - Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 1 of 5)
    • Recommended: How to Grow Amazing Plants with Compost Tea - Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 2 of 5)
    • Recommended: How to Grow Amazing Plants with Compost Tea - Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 3 of 5)
    • Recommended: How to Grow Amazing Plants with Compost Tea - Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 4 of 5)
    • Recommended: How to Grow Amazing Plants with Compost Tea - Masterclass with Dr. Elaine Ingham (Part 5 of 5)
    • Dirt The Movie
    • Recommended: Cover Crop Mixes- Getting the Cover Crop You Want
  • Chapter 9: Earthworks & Earth Resources
    • Chapter 9: Earthworks & Earth Resources Slides
    • Chapitre 9: Terrassement (Earthworks) (Diapo FR)
    • Introduction to Earthworks
    • Earthworks - Defining Terms
    • Earthworks Theory - Part 1
    • Earthworks Theory - Part 2
    • Earthworks Theory - Part 3
    • Earthworks Theory Part 4
    • Earthworks Theory Part 5
    • Survey Tools: Transit Level
    • Survey Tools: Water Level
    • Survey Tools: A Frame
    • Types of Dam Construction
    • Perma-Tip: Fixing a Leaky Dam
    • Spillway on the swale
    • Mandatory Video chap 9: Regreening the desert with John D. Liu | VPRO Documentary | 2012
    • Mandatory Video chap 9: Rapidly-Cut Swales with Tractor Blade
    • PERMACULTURE PONDS: Why, Where & How
    • Keyline® in the AR Sandbox #1: Contour Lines and Water Flow
    • Keyline® in the AR Sandbox #2: Landform Water Divides
    • Keyline® in the AR Sandbox #3: Design for Water
    • Recommended Resources: Chap 9
    • Quiz: Chap 9
      10 xp
  • Chapter 10: Humid Tropics
    • Chapter 10: Humid Tropics Slides
    • Chapitre 10: Les tropiques humides (Diapo FR)
    • Introduction to What and Where are Humid Tropics
    • Wet Dry Tropics
    • Wet Tropics
    • Humid Tropics - Limiting Factors
    • Mandatory Video Chap 10: Eric Enos' Story of Kaʻala: Hawai'i Taro Farming | The World We Need
    • Recommended Resources: Chap 10
    • Quiz: Chap 10
      10 xp
  • Chapter 11: Dryland
    • Chapter 11: Dryland Strategies Slides
    • Chapitre 11: Stratégies pour les zones arides diapos (FR)
    • Dry Lands
    • Dry Lands - Limiting Factors
    • Mandatory Video (Chap 11): Anupam Mishra: The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting
    • Mandatory Video (Chap 11): TEDxWoodsHole - Jonathan Todd - Sustaining Life: Ecological Design and Water Reuse
    • Mandatory Video (Chap 11): How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory
    • Mandatory Video (Chap 11): Dan Barber: A surprising parable of foie gras
    • Recommended Resources: Chap 11
    • QUIZ: Chap 11
      10 xp
    • Fighting Drought With an Ancient Practice: Harvesting the Rain | Retro Report
  • Chapter 12: Humid Cool to Cold Climates
    • Chapter 12: Humid Cool to Cold Climates
    • Chapitre 12: Climats froids et humides diapos (FR)
    • Humid Cold Climates
    • Humid Cold Climates - Limiting Factors
    • Homestead Paradise: got barren land, boosted it at a profit
    • Mandatory Resources (chap 12): Webinars on Cover Crops -Check it out!
    • Recommended Resources Chap 12
    • QUIZ: Chapter 12
      10 xp
    • Inhabit - A Permaculture Perspective.mp4
  • Chapter 13: Aquaculture
    • Chapter 13: Aquaculture Slides
    • Chapitre 13: Aquaculture Diapos (FR)
    • Intro to Aquaculture
    • Freshwater Aquaculture
    • Mariculture
    • Marine Permaculture
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): Aquapod
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): Salmon Confidential, Documentary About Salmon Farms in Canada & Diseased Salmon
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): The One That Got Away (Size Matters)
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): What is the Blue Revolution?
    • Mandatory Resource (chap 13) : http://www.toddecological.com/
    • Mandatory Video (chap 13): Seaweed: The next (re)generation
    • Recommended Resources: Chap 13
    • Chinampas of Mexico: Most Productive Agriculture EVER?
    • QUIZ: Chapter 13
      10 xp
    • Why Seaweed Could Be The Future Of Plastic
  • Chapter 14: Strategies of an Alternative Global Nation
    • Chapter 14: Strategies of an Alternative Global Nation Slides
    • Chapitre 14: Une nation globale alternative diapos (FR)
    • Strategies of an Alternative Global Nation
    • RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms
    • Mandatory Video Chap 14: Freedom Ahead
    • Mandatory Video Chap 14: In Transition 2
    • Final Design Project Outline - CDP Projet Final - FR
    • Final Design Project Outline
  • Downloadable Cheat Sheets for the PDC
    • Printable/Downloadable Cheat Sheet
    • Aide-mémoire imprimable/téléchargeable
  • Diapo des Chapitre en Francais
    • CH1 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH2,3 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH4 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH5 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH6 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH7 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH8 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH9 P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH10 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH11 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH12 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH13 - P3 Permaculture FR
    • CH14 - P3 Permaculture FR
  • Class Slides PDC2021
    • Chapter 1 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 2 and 3 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 4 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 5 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 6 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 7 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 8 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 9 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 11 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 12 - Class Slides
    • Chapter 13 - Class Slides
    • Comprehensive List of Resources by Chapters
    • Chapter 14 - Class Slides